I deactivated my twitter account and uninstalled the app from my PC and phone. Since they put in that algorithm-based "for you" feed the regular feed doesn't refresh properly. I just want to scroll through all tweets from who I follow and have the freedom to choose what I read and scroll past.
Yeah I’m not digging that “For you” feed either. My guess it drives more engagement vs the “Following” feed It’s a by-product of ad based revenue that needs as much engagement as possible I’d like Glue never have to get into ads or where they don’t drive the design of things preferably
I can also see the case where it’s helpful to have content suggested or “algorithms” doing some help, but as an accessory and not driving the main timeline feed I’m curious to know what is a good balance for each
I can't give you a definite answer as to what's a good balance because I think it depends on preference and activity levels. I'm the type who selected carefully who I followed on twitter. There are some people who click follow to anyone (not, semi and fully) famous that interacts with them, I find.