Check out our new UI refresh! ⚡️
✓ Improved photo viewing
✓ Easier navigation
✓ Improved threading readability
Give us a Drop and let us know what you think 👋
Rippled by @glue
Welcome @jkrums to Glue! Janis uploaded the iconic Twitpic of the plane that landed in the Hudson River on January 15th, 2009
This marked a big growth trajectory in the history of Twitpic and social media altogether
Here's the original Twitpic link! twitpic.com/135xa
Rippled by @glue
The activity feed queue system wasn't working lately and caused Drops from those you follow to not show up. It has been fixed now!
You should see other people's Drops in your Activity Feed now. Implementing better error notifications going forward, big apologies for the issue!
Glue's new Quote Drops let you share quotes or code snippets in your timeline This new Drop type is great for sharing quotes and h
Hello everyone! We've finished up our first month in beta and based on the feedback from our early users, we have an exciting...
Rippled by @glue
Glue is a new social networking and content sharing platform built around popular microblogging features. With Glue you can share
Hello everyone! Welcome to Glue 👋