But I have mostly worked on my personal projects which are yet small sized, but want to scale. Have used the above approach but would love to know your views (as you are PRO in product building ;p) so it would be a joy to listen to you upon this. BTW my github: github.com/sohamsshah
Replying to @sohamsshah
Ruby flows better for me than JS or Go or even Python. My scaling path from a language level is using crystal-lang.org which is basically a statically typed/compiled ruby. I use crystal currently for @pingly to offload some backend processing. Want to move over more and eventually @Glue too
Sounds cool, gotcha! Have always been a fan of product development, and witnessing a journey of a brand-new app is exciting NGL! I wish there was some glue code open source 😅, would have loved to contribute :) Btw I loved the blog-feature of glue, which makes it quite unique content platform...