Charleston, SC
Physics geek. Amateur radio guy. Geek of many trades, master of a few.
New shelf over my desk. The plan is to use it for things that are currently being used, but idle and cluttering up my desk. *Ideally* there won't be too many things on the shelf and they won't stay long.
Rippled by @imabug
Hello everyone! We've finished up our first month in beta and based on the feedback from our early users, we have an exciting...
Rippled by @imabug
I've been a big weather nerd for a while. It started with my grandfather and his cork board hurricane tracking map, and then my fa
Found a bunch of these Microsystems International MF1103R 1kbit (128 byte) DRAM chips (a version of the Intel 1103 chip) in a parts bin. The date code marks these as 1974 vintage.
I'll have to see if I can figure out how to test them to see if any of them still work.
Well this is fun. The weather widget at news.google.com lets me select degrees Kelvin for the temperature unit.
An Altair 680 that I picked up a couple years ago at a hamfest. It was part of a large collection of stuff that was donated to t
The past 9 years of having my amateur radio license has shown me just how much of a sucker I am for vintage book and electronics.
New Parallel and High Performance Computing book arrived in the mail a couple days ago. It's a good update and companion to the O'Reilly High Performance Computing book from 1993.
Let's try a blog post. One of the items donated to the radio club by an SK estate last year (now I've forgotten which one) was thi