This is genius dude 👏👏👏
Welcome Twitter folks! 👋
Likes and a Ripples are fairly similar, they notify the poster, but a Ripple also shares it on your timeline and to your followers, just like posting a Drop.
A Like (currently) shows up in your "Liked" tab on your profile.
Hope that helps!
Whoops, that's a bug! It should have chosen the background color when you uploaded the second time. Looks like it didn't choose a color at all though the first time.
I'll take a look, thanks for letting me know!
👍 I like it
You're spot on! I've thought about this in the past & some options are if a Drop is edited:
- Remove Likes/Ripples
- Notify users of edit
- Have a "history" changes
- Limit edits to a small time window
- Only blog Drops editable
Each of these have pros/cons. Could do a combo of multiple. 🤔
😭 I think I cried at that scene too
Looking forward to when ours is old enough to have his own Easter candy that I can "borrow" 😆
Welcome to Glue btw! 👋
Hello everyone! Welcome to Glue 👋
Glue is a new social networking and content sharing platform built around popular microblogging features. With Glue you can share