@sarah's followers
Noah Everett
The nice guy that finished first, founder of Glue / Ark and previously Twitpic.
Ark Network is a new internet company building key platforms that power the internet
Lucas Litton
Software Engineer, Dad to Vanessa, Husband, Christian.
Daniel Gardner
Creating homeschooling material for Portuguese-speaking families
Thomas Fussell
Maximilien Moreau
Welcome to my Glue account ! My name's Maximilien (Call me Max) and I'm a French Redactor. We can get in touch at maximilien.moreau@protonmail.com
A photographer, graphic designer & front-end developer, based in New Zealand.
Zhe Wu
Physics geek. Amateur radio guy. Geek of many trades, master of a few.
Antti Riikola
Vaikea av; 5. vuosi jatkoajalla/uutta elämää, kiitos suomalainen terveydenhuolto | Survivor of severe TBI; 5th yr OT/new life, thanks FIN healthcare
Rehan Azher