Antti Riikola
Vaikea av; 5. vuosi jatkoajalla/uutta elämää, kiitos suomalainen terveydenhuolto | Survivor of severe TBI; 5th yr OT/new life, thanks FIN healthcare
+1 desktop browser
Just couple of seconds ago tried to update a profile picture.
Attempted on iOS Safari, no luck.
hi. desktop
+1 desktop browser
Just couple of seconds ago tried to update a profile picture.
The important stuff is backed up to one drive and Google drive and I'm hoping the failure of the SSD won't affect the files I've stored on the HDD. I can redo those though, if I lose them.
Awh yizz, awesome. Sounds like a setup for a reasonable IT-person. Fingers crossed although SSD failures tend to be fatal in pretty much every occasion.
Update: I contacted the builders of the PC and they advised me to enter BIOS and Load Optimized Defaults, then reseat M.2 SSD. Still the same after that so it looks like the drive failed. Might be able to get it replaced under warranty.
Oh fook, are you able to get the stuff out of the failed drive?
Wow! What's the usual depth of snow dumped?
Damn, read wrong, my bad 8)
Usual is something 3-4" in 24h, 6" is described as heavy snowing.
Wow! What's the usual depth of snow dumped?
Within 24h no, hardly even yearly - here in HEL are, that is:) FIN is damn long country for a population of roughly 6 million, North from Oulu and Eastern part around Mikkeli and Kuopio it somewhat is.
It’s going to be a great year #2024
Most defo.
We're having the heaviest dump of snow here in FIN in HEL area 8D) It has dumped about 8" today here in the South... Damn i'm happy wife didn't go to office today like she actually planned.
Just noticed threads is available in Ireland now. Must have complied with EU data regulations. This could make it harder for glue to get the online traction twitter once did.
FIN early adopters are all fired up of Threads. We'll see how it turns out in couple of weeks (if it has appeal) and months (if they form a habit).
Hear hear! Another look to LON besides The Usual shots.
Have you managed to narrow down the error occuring in some(?) handheld device uploads?
..well, not necessarily to LON in particular. Daily UK life in general, i guess.
I've missed your Daily Drops lately! 👋
Hear hear! Another look to LON besides The Usual shots.
Have you managed to narrow down the error occuring in some(?) handheld device uploads?
Hmm was this from mobile or desktop? I’ve seen this happen before and have yet to find the cause
True this, diva007 of LON has had similar issue.
A tiny update on this selftest(?), i've now continued taking 116% of daily recommended dosage and everything is like it should. No new symptoms whatsoever, neither positive or negative. Feet and lower torso feel awesome, no sore muscles of daily morning run 🔥👌💎
I dropped a lengthier follow-up on this
I've been picking people to follow at random as they popped up but hopefully, as this platform grows, I'll have a better tactic. Is it ok for me to follow you?
I do it, join the pack.
Never thought of if that way 😄
Well, it's merely an angle where one looks at it. Plausible, i say.
Unbelievable, looks similar to Kasinonranta in Lauttasaari, HEL, FIN :D)
A human has roughly over 6000 thought a day. They can not possibly all be either positive or neutral.
Negative thoughts are ok, one should not deny them from themselves or others. It's about how one addresses negative thoughts and how one moves or acts on them.
It is beneficial to pause and observe why one feels like this if negative thoughts take control of one's mind.
If it is something one can have an influence on, act on it. If it is something one can not have an influence on, take note on the situation and let it pass.
Negatiivisten ajatusten kieltäminen on ihmisyyden kieltämistä
Denying negative thoughts is denying humanity
#mielenterveyspäivä #kaikkiajatuksetonhyvästä #kaikkienajatustenonpäästäväpintaan#worldmentalhealthday #allthoughtsarewelcome #allthoughtsneedtosurface
A human has roughly over 6000 thought a day. They can not possibly all be either positive or neutral.
Negative thoughts are ok, one should not deny them from themselves or others. It's about how one addresses negative thoughts and how one moves or acts on them.
Ihminen ajattelee päivässä keskimäärin yli 6000 ajatusta, ne eivät voi kaikki olla positiivisia tai neutraaleja.
Negatiiviset ajatukset on ok, niitä ei pidä kieltää itseltä tai muilta. Kysymys on siitä, miten negatiiviset ajatukset kohdataan ja miten niiden suhteen edetään tai toimitaan.
On hyödyllistä pysähtyä ja pohtia miksi tunnen näin, jos negatiiviset ajatukset ottavat valtaansa.
Mikäli kyseessä on asia johon voi vaikuttaa, toimi. Mikäli kyseessä on asia johon ei voi vaikuttaa, totea tilanne ja anna ajatuksen mennä.
Negatiivisten ajatusten kieltäminen on ihmisyyden kieltämistä
Denying negative thoughts is denying humanity
#mielenterveyspäivä #kaikkiajatuksetonhyvästä #kaikkienajatustenonpäästäväpintaan#worldmentalhealthday #allthoughtsarewelcome #allthoughtsneedtosurface
Ihminen ajattelee päivässä keskimäärin yli 6000 ajatusta, ne eivät voi kaikki olla positiivisia tai neutraaleja.
Negatiiviset ajatukset on ok, niitä ei pidä kieltää itseltä tai muilta. Kysymys on siitä, miten negatiiviset ajatukset kohdataan ja miten niiden suhteen edetään tai toimitaan.
Ocean is damn warm over there, a friend posted a picture of himself on the beach ready to swim - 15C water temp?! It's a freakin' jacuzzi, i say :D)